This Week in Our Community
July Faye’s in-house jewelry services sale: Save 20% off in-house jewelry repairs by certified master bench jeweler at Faye’s Diamond Mine. Stop in for a free expert evaluation and quote, and find out more about their array of professional services. Located next to Cash Savers Grocery.
Did You Serve?: The Voice of Van Buren County is publishing a monthly salute to our veterans. They will be honoring veterans from Van Buren and surrounding counties. You can e-mail your submissions to the Voice at or mail them to P.O. Box 1396 Clinton 72031.
Sister’s Emporium is hosting the Jenny Bonds Estate Sale: This sale currently running and will be held during regular business hours at their location. Items vary from furniture to home décor with over 700 tea pots and a large selection of cookie jars. For more information you can contact Sister’s Emporium at 501-745-4716.
July 12th 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. Clinton City Council Meeting: Meetings of the Clinton City Council are usually held the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Clinton Municipal Airport off Hwy 16 East. The public and all press & media are invited to attend.
July 14th 1:00 P.M. Maximum Living Support Group: Roller-McNutt Funeral Home is sponsoring the Maximum Living Support Group for those of us that have lost loved ones. This event will be held at the Western Sizzlin. Attendees will be responsible for their own meals if they chose to dine. Contact Lisa at 501-745-2151 for more details.
July 14th 9:00 A.M. – Noon Picking on the Square: Join other local residents for an acoustic music jam in Clinton on the historical downtown square under the big tree on the west side of the court house (during inclement weather session will be held in the Van Buren County Democrat Office). This is an acoustic gathering so no mics or amps. Bringing a chair is recommended, come join our musical circle or just stop by and listen.
Upcoming Events
July 17th 5:30 P.M. Clinton Advertising and Promotion Meeting: The Clinton A&P Commission meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 P.M. at the Clinton Municipal Airport on Hwy 16 East. The meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.
July 19th 6:00 P.M. Van Buren County Quorum Court: Meetings of the Van Buren County Quorum Court are held the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at the Van Buren County Annex building off Highway 65 in Clinton.
July 20th 5:45 Friday Night Auction: Sister’s Emporium will be hosting an auction every 1st and third Friday of the month at their location in the old Wal-Mart building across from the county annex complex with a host of antique and functional items to be auctioned off.
August 3rd Movies in the Park: Movies in the Park will be held at Archey Fork Park and movies will begin at dark. This is a free event and is sponsored by the Clinton Volunteer Fire Department. Movies in the Park will run through the month of August with the lineup as follows. August 3rd CoCo, August 10th Black Panther, August, 17th Avengers Infinity War, and August 24th Jumanji.
August 4th 6:30 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. Rockin’ on the River: OPEN MIC 1st Saturday night of the month 6:30-9:30pm at the Archey Fork Park amphitheater. This event allows the audience to participate on stage and show off their musical talent and is brought to you by the Clinton A&P Commission. For more info, email
August 10th 4:00 – 7:00 Stand with a Cop” Drive By Donation drop: Located at Drive in one driveway at Sisters Emporium located on highway 65 behind KFC in Clinton, drop a donation and drive out the other side. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for equipment for a Special Response Team for Van Buren County. For more information call, Jackie 501-253-4716.
August 11th 7:00 P.M. Greater Tuna: This fun loving play will be performed at the Clinton High School Autotorium. Brought to you by the Clinton Rotary Club. Tickets are $12 each and go on sale June 1st. Tickets are being sold at First Security Bank in Clinton, and at Blagg Law Firm.
Call (501) 745 2600 to reserve your tickets now, or just stop in!
September 8th 9:00 A.M. – Noon Clinton Down Syndrome Walk: Mark your calendars…. we have set the official date for this year’s walk. Previously known as the Clinton Buddy Walk…. now the Clinton Down Syndrome Walk will be September 8, 2018 at Archey Fork Park behind Subway. We hope to see you there for another fun day celebrating all individuals with Down Syndrome. Registration will be opening soon. And even more exciting news. You can register online this year!
September 8th 49th Annual Greers Ferry Lake & Little Red River Cleanup: The lake and river clean up is always the Saturday after labor day. We will also host the 3rd Annual “Love the Lake & River” Week-end in conjunction with the cleanup. For more information or to volunteer go to
September 9th 2:00 P.M. Dirty Bowl: This year four teams will compete at the Dirty Bowl play-off games at the Clinton High School Football field. We are looking for players, cheerleaders and sponsors. For more information or to receive a sponsor or participant form call, Jackie at 501-253-4716. The Dirty Farmers Community Market mission is to address Senior Hunger in Van Buren County. This last year we restructured our organization so that one hundred percent of all proceeds from this event will go directly to Seniors in our community. We still have our two programs, “Our Daily Bread” (which provides bread and value-added products during the off season) and our “Seed to Senior” program (which provides fresh, locally grown produce during the season) and we have added two Entertainment nights to the residents at Lefler Estates to help address the emotional needs of our seniors
September 29th 11:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Road Kill Cook-off: City of Clinton’s 2nd Annual Hwy 65 Road-kill Cook-off will be held in Archey Fork Park behind Subway in Clinton. This is a true cooking competition with the cooking to begin at 8:00 A.M. Contestants must use any meat that can be found on the highway as their primary ingredient. This event is open to the public with samples of the contestant’s entries available for tasting. For more information please contact Tony Soyani at (501) 205-2117
October 13th 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. “Stand with a Cop” silent/live auction: The auction will be located at the Clinton High School Cafeteria. Funds raised from this event will be designated for the Van Buren County Sheriff’s office to purchase the necessary equipment needed for a Special Response Team for the county. We Love VBC is a non-profit 501c3 organization No donation is too small or too large. All donations must be new or handmade. Donations will be accepted at any time by calling 501-253-4716 or you may drop off your donation at Sisters Emporium in Clinton every Wednesday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm until the day of the event.
For more local events check out the HUB @